
students in a classroom around a professor


We help our students achieve academic excellence and find success in and beyond the College with small sizes, attentive instructors, and experiential learning.

Major and minor combinations for every interest

We're firm believers that the more you learn about your field, the more you'll want to learn about the world.

Students at °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï can pick up to two majors and one minor or up to one major and two minors in four years. The flexibility of our approach allows students to explore every avenue their interests take them. Students can combine any majors and minors to create an interdisciplinary focus that will serve their dreams.

How our students make it

Three people in silhouette


We’re serious when we say that your professors will remember your name. Our student-to-faculty ratio is 12:1.

the number 19


Our average class size is 19—intentionally. We like to keep things small so you can learn more.

two plus


You can declare up to two majors and one minor, or one major and two minors and still graduate in four years.

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You can do up to three for-credit internships and still graduate in four years. Our curriculum is built for it!

#18 Best
Schools for Internships The Princeton Review
Science Lab Facilities The Princeton Review
#27 Overall
Top 100 Colleges Wall Street Journal
#1 for
Social Mobility U.S. News & World Report
student studying at college

The liberal arts advantage

Our students don't just come to college to get a degree. They're here because they believe in taking part in the grand project of building a better world. Equipped with a liberal arts education, our graduates carry what they learn at °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï for the rest of their lives.

We take a pragmatic approach that merges the nourishing foundations of a liberal arts education with practical experience through internships, research, study abroad opportunities, and the Lake Forest In The Loop program. The liberal arts curriculum helps students develop a strong sense of imagination that leads to innovative problem solving.

Because students can explore each of their interests in exciting classes and through experiential learning, they are able to make the most of their time in college. This leads to rewarding careers, a strong foundation of knowledge to help them navigate the world beyond our gates, and the know-how to create and effect change.

Academic excellence in every major

°Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï professors are accessible and serve as mentors and advisors to students. They offer motivated students research opportunities that are rarely found at the undergraduate level. Ninety-eight percent of professors have PhDs from top universities.

By serving our students with an abundance of resources, we help them create their own successes in and beyond the classroom.

Our students regularly participate in and present research, publish papers, and learn foundational skills that assist them when it comes to finding a career or securing a graduate school placement after graduation.

students in classroom