Our pool of experienced instructors is drawn from the ranks of the Chicago area’s prestigious performing organizations. They coach students on a variety of instruments and in singing.
Private lessons are available to any °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï student regardless of experience. While taking lessons, students learn technique, musicianship, and repertoire, demonstrating their skills in workshops and recitals throughout the semester. Students can earn half or quarter of a credit for each semester of lessons completed. The cost for lessons is $348/semester (half hour, .25 lesson) and $696/semester (hour, .50 lesson) for the 2020/2021 school year.
Consider enrolling in lessons in one of the following areas:
- Strings: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass (both acoustic and electric)
- Winds: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone
- Brass: Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba
- Percussion: Marimba, Xylophone, Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Set
- Keyboards: Piano, Jazz Piano, Organ
- Other Instruments: Classical Guitar, Blues/Jazz Guitar, Harmonica, Ukulele, Harp
- Voice, Improvisation, Accompanying
The Music Department is committed to helping all students at °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï take private lessons in their chosen area of study. The Department is always willing to attempt to find a teacher for any instrument. If you are interested in an instrument that you do not see listed, please contact the Chair of the Music Department.
Please note: Students must pay for the lessons out of pocket (see Undergraduate Fees and Expenses). Certain students, such as Music Majors and Minors, may be eligible to have the fee waived.
For more information, see a Music Advisor or contact the Music Department Assistant.
Applied Music Faculty:
Cynthia Arden, Violin and Viola
Matt Baker, Trumpet
Jim Baur, Classical Guitar
Alyssa Bennett, Voice
LeAnne Bennion, harp
Philip Bergman, Cello
Meret Bitticks, Flute
Max Briggs, Low Brass
Kate Carter, Violin
Chris Clemente, Bass
Natalie Douglass, Horn and Solfege
Brad Jungwirth, Voice
Debbie Knowles, Percussion
Soo Young Lee, Piano (classical)
Ember Miller, Clarinet
Shoji Naito, Blues and Jazz Guitar
Mitch Paliga, Saxophone and Improvisation
Christine Phillips, Oboe
Tony Ranieri ’74, Piano (classical and popular)
Chris White, Piano (jazz)
Taking Lessons for Credit
Students taking lessons for may earn credit in three tiers:
- One half credit (hour lesson; $696/semester 2020/21)
- One quarter credit (half hour lesson; $348/semester 2020/21)
- Zero credits
There will be a fee for voice students and any other students using an accompanist during the semester. The fee will be$15 for 100 level(half hour lessons) and$25 for 200 level and higher(hour lessons). This fee willnot coverany accompanist fees for a junior or senior recital.
To receive .25 credit, students must do the following each semester:
- Complete twelve 1/2-hour lessons.
- Complete all practicing assignments given by the instructor.
- Participate in one workshop.
To receive .50 credit, students must do the following each semester:
- Complete twelve hour-long lessons.
- Complete all practicing assignments given by the instructor.
- Participate in one workshop.
- Perform in the semester-end jury.
Music majors are expected to take hour long lessons in their primary performance area.
Declared Music majors and minors, and ensemble participants are eligible to apply for a waiver of the lesson fee.