°Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï now offers FREE tax services to our community!
VITA appointments for free tax help are now open!
VITA is an IRS initiative that supports free tax preparation for underserved communities. This program helps the community to comply with federal and state income tax compliance. The VITA 2025 Pilot Program is primarily a volunteering based initiative. °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï students will have the chance to make a difference by helping to prepare and file income tax returns through VITA as IRS-certified volunteers.
°Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program provides free and confidential tax services to:
- Individuals and families who earned less than $67,000
- Military taxpayers
- Persons with disabilities
- °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï international students.
Dates and Times
The program will be available on Sundays (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.) from February 9, 2025, through April 6, 2025 or until the appointments are filled to capacity.
If you have any questions about the VITA program, email VITA@lakeforest.edu.